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CraftDirect began in 2006 as a company called CricutDirect. A mom of 8, a passionate crafter, & entrepreneur had a dream that started a garage in Enterprise, Utah. Soon, her business took off! She quickly sold enough Cricut machines to buy direct from Provo Craft (the maker of Cricut).

The crafting bug bit hard, and soon the garage turned into sheds and storage containers. She realized her business was outgrowing the space at her home. So in 2010, she teamed up with her brothers at G.O. Green Enterprises in Cedar City, UT. They helped out with warehousing, and suddenly we had more space to create and ship out crafting magic.

Two craft enthusiasts hopped on board, each bringing their own flair. One focused on the brand and products, the other mastered the art of buying and managing all our crafty goodies. A couple of years later, CricutDirect acquired the brand CGull (a crafting bag and accessory company) from one of the original guys who helped get Cricut off the ground.

Our founder, decided it was time to focus on her family and handed the crafting reins to her brothers and two craft enthusiasts. That's when CricutDirect rebranded and became CraftDirect – a name that fits since we've got so much more than Cricut in our catalog. We've added products from the coolest paper brands and designers out there. Our brand has added another generation of workers, and our crafting family has become a powerhouse.

Now, here we are in 2025, celebrating our 19th birthday! We owe it all to you! You're not just customers; you're family.

Here's to more generations of family joining in on crafting adventures!